Animal Adoption


Hey! If you’re here, you’re probably interested in adopting an Animal Squish. Please read the next couple of sections carefully before moving on to the adoption form.

For folks who are interested, here’s a little bit of clarity about these little friends. At their core, they are supportive, helper spirits who have chosen to reside in these stuffed animal bodies and work with their person as something like an emotional support daimon. They are spirits ensouled into a hand-crocheted body (there are some theories that they’re souls of the dead looking to be useful in a new form) that are matched with humans for healing and beneficial reasons that are usually beyond me and meant to be figured out between the smush and their adoptive person.

  • Each animal squish’s body is handmade by me over the course of several days (sometimes weeks). They each have a significant birthday, a handselected gemstone, a special blend of herbs,and a highly specific collection of materia all chosen by the spirit itself.

  • They cost $250 USD + $15 shipping. I do offer payment plans. You can read about them in the Payment Plan section below.

  • They’re not for kids. Yes they’re cute and a little cuddly but they are lifelong spirit pacts made between the human and the animal squish. I do not feel comfortable allowing that kind of pact to happen with children or with other adults on behalf of children. They ARE safe for children (and pets) but there won’t be any PACTS with children and are the spiritual + physical responsibility of the adult who matched with the animal squish. [Does not apply to children who have an existing understanding of spirit pacts with their adult’s support].

  •  They are people, not pets or ritual objects. These animal squishes are sovereign beings with their own agency, personalities, opinions, needs, etc. They are fully formed spirit entities that choose their animal physical form (a part of their identity but not necessarily the most important piece), what I watch on TV while I make them, feet medallions, birth date, birth time, whether or not to go with a certain human, and eventually their own name. Think active helper spirit… not Fido or an altarpiece.

  • They are very low-maintenance spirits. Once a month you can give them a tea light or small chime candle and a shot-glass-sized glass of water or alcohol to thank them for their help. They are paritally stuffed animals and operate on reciprocal love. The best way to care for them is to love them. Hug them, tell them about your day, tell them your troubles, include them in your practice, take them on adventures, and listen when they say something to you. They might ask for jewelry, clothing, and/or small copies of tools you use (magical or otherwise).

  • I respect their sovereignty and have minimal control over this process. I get them here physically, I physically help them get to their person, but they’re in the drivers seat and even set the adoption fee to compensate me for my time and materials. I don’t know which animal squish is next until it’s their turn to be made, there are no repeats, I can’t take requests or commissions, and I usually have no idea who they’re going to match with. (E.g. For the first year and a half I was notoriously bad at guessing matches so I developed the “ask everyone on the list” model to remove myself from the matching process.)

  • Other humans cannot control the process. You can have ideas about what kind of animals you like, which animal you want, do your own divination with yourself at home, have dreams… whatever floats your boat… but this is (at its core) a two-way consensual relationship with another person. If you have feelings about or an attraction to an animal, please ask me to ask them if they would like to go with you. But otherwise, if you don’t ask directly, it can become a one-sided situation that usually sets you up for disappointment. 

  • Related to this, these beings do have feelings. If you think it hurts to be rejected by them, imagine how it would feel to have someone say they want you, agree to go with that person, and THEN have them reject YOU. They also get a little fussy about honoring their agreements with me so if you don’t send me their names or honor your chosen payment plan, they can (and will) get a little upset.

Adopted Animals


  1. I get them physically here. (That’s the hard part. You can watch it on Instagram… mostly in my stories.)

  2. If no one steps up within 24 hours of posting, I send the animal to EVERYONE on the adoption list. It is not personal. I am not trying to force a match with you if I ask you. I strive to be equitable and do not presume to know who they want to go with or what you are feeling.

  3. You tell me if you have feelings about one and you want me to ask them. (Hint, their outsides migh not match their insides. It is very worth it to read the description.) They are unusually particular about names and full names are helpful.

  4. I ask the animal squish whether or not they would like to go with that person. If multiple people ask it becomes a longer conversation and a more involved divination process.

  5. I let you know if the animal wants to go to you. If they do, I will ask again if you want them (consent is good). If you do, we figure out your payment plan option, and they’re shipped (or delivered) to you after the first payment. If they don’t, it’s ok! There will be one for you that’s a better match.

  6. Once you receive your animal squish, they will tell you a name that you will tell me that will sever the ties to me as their maker. There will be hugs and cute pics. I am happy to talk to you more about how they’re doing and how they can fit into your magical practice. If you want to have an in-depth magical/practical consultation via Google Meet, please book a coaching session.

Payment Plans

There are three, set payment plans.

Option 1: One payment of $250 (+$15 shipping)

Option 2: Two payments of $125 (+$15 shipping) + $125 over two months

Option 3: Five payments of $50 (+$15 shipping) + $50 + $50 + $50 + $50 over five months

Once you’re matched, I ship them after the first payment.

I also LOVE trading with folks. Things that have been accepted as full or partial trades in the past: thoughtful little care packages, plants, food, little helpful trinkets, thc, chocoloate chip cookies, a seven-day candles, store credit, company t-shirt, a handmade astrological talisman, joint roller, lighter case, magical materials, and shedded snake skin.

** IF YOU’RE ABSOLUTELY SURE YOU WANT A SQUISH you can start paying for on in advance. when yours appears, you wont have to worry about payment and I’ll ship them right away.**


  • Animals don’t usually repeat. If an animal is already adopted, there is a very slim chance I will be making another one.

  • Animals are typically matched pretty quickly and through my instagram profile @rosedarua . I show a lot of my process in stories, and if people are feeling their match early on, that animal may get adopted before they’re even officially posted for adoption.

  • Feelings matter! If you’re having “oh that one’s mine” feelings, let me know and I can ask that animal squish if you’re a match. If you’re more interested in that type of animal (e.g. “elephants are my favorite animal from when I was a kid!”) but you don’t feel any personal attachment or connection to the squish in the photo, it‘s probably not a match.

Animal Squish Interest Form

Animal Squishes Available for Adoption